Killer Klowns from Outer Space seems like an odd choice for porn parody, considering the original film came out in the 1980s. Also, clowns are creepy, and the idea of clowns having sex is even creepier. But KKfOS has become a cult film, and the audience for cult films overlaps significantly with the audience for porn parodies, so maybe it’s not that surprising that we have gotten TWO porn parodies in three years.
The first was This Isn’t Killer Klowns From Outer Space … It’s a XXX Spoof! released by White Ghetto in 2012. Like most White Ghetto “spoofs”, it didn’t have much plot or connection to the original. It was a collection of three MMMF group sex scenes, one of which featured three men in clown costumes.
New this week comes the more amibitious Killer Kleavage From Outer Space from Burning Angel, directed by Joanna Angel, and starring the elaborately tattooed cleavage of Jessie Lee.
Plot premise: “The inhabitants of Planet Areola are quickly becoming extinct, and one Earth penis could save them all. Not just any penis – a perfect penis. Experimentation with an imperfect penis WILL result in deadly tit-lasers.” Makes perfect sense to me.
Burning Angel actually put some imagination (if not much actual cash, but that’s porn standard) into the campy Barbarella-style sci-fi costumes and sets. Lots of silver lamé camisoles, bobbly antennas and dayglo eye shadow. Way groovy.